Media Conversion Tool - Can be turned into SaaS
Other / by Mujahid Khan / 27 views
Hey there!
I’m Mujahid Khan, Creator of, a tool that helps users convert media files. I’ve not implemented any monetization methods yet. But if someone wants to, they can monetize through Adsense or by turning into a SaaS by limiting file upload limits or daily limits per day.
Tech Stack:
NextJS + TailwindCSS + ShadCN UI + FFMPEG
Hosted on vercel
- Listing ID: 3508
- Business Creation Date: 2024-03-01
- Monthly Profit: 0
- Monthly Visitors: 100
- Monetization: 0
- Expenses: 0
- Link Building: I've listed my site on one directory called indietool
- Time Requirement: It doesn't require a lot of care, It's just one-time built software.
- Growth Opportunities: Having a blog, and doing marketing will bring traction and owner can monetize through ads/ad slots or turning into limit usage based SaaS
- Business Assets: domain name, and codebase
- Expired Domain: No